
Lesson no.2: Something can make your life easier

DIGESTIVES: this is the first step to enjoy some great aspects of British food (it could sound incredible for someone, but it's absolutely true, trust me!). You can choose among "standard" digestives, dark chocolate digestives, milk chocolate digestives, chocolate chip digestives. Taste them with a cup of tea or coffee (and actually I think that instant coffee whit a drop of milk is not so bad) or just alone (as I'm doing now). An intense scent of chocolate hit my smell just opening packaging... that's marvellous!
A revelant advantage living in a English speaker country is public television broadcasts a lot of good movies you probably watched only on the cinema: DUBBING doesn't need here and it is really a big chance!
They are very
TECHNOLOGIC: you can find websites that work as they have to, you can find how to contact a person you need to talk to, you can pay fines and local taxes by Internet, you can apply for joining the closest library, you can check if tube is working well and if not find an alternative way... Do you need more?
WI-FI BROADBAND connections are the rule and one of my housemate told me they are even free and you can work outside in the parks during summertime (I have to verify it).
SUPERMARKETS (again!) are open 7/7 and during the week from 7am to 11 pm.
To be continued...

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